Agriculture Marketing Program “AMP”
Connecting Afghan produce to global markets
The purpose of AMP is to increase export sales of Afghan agricultural products, create employment and provide opportunities for economic development in newly accessible or rural areas.
Training Videos
To adapt to the social distancing requirments during Covid-19, we have created training videos
to continue to support the agricultural sector in Afghanistan.
Program Overview
The Agriculture Marketing Program (AMP) is a three-year USAID-funded program that follows on the successes of the ten-year USAID Commercial Horticulture and Agricultural Marketing Program (CHAMP).
The program works in all 34 provinces of Afghanistan, focusing on increasing farm production and domestic sales through interventions aimed at farmers and agribusinesses.
During the first two years of the program, AMP worked with leading Afghan processing and export firms to increase export volumes and values, introduce new agricultural products to the market, diversify export markets and increase value-added processing.
The program's market-based, demand-driven approach focused on supporting private sector growth and sustainability, thereby creating demand for agricultural products that drive job growth in rural areas. Women are incorporated into all areas of program implementation.
Supplying 4,500 jobs in afghanistan
Now in its final fiscal year of implementation, AMP has pivoted to an approach that addresses food security challenges precipitated by the emerging economic and humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. This approach comprises three key strategies:
Connecting Farmers to Domestic Markets
Increasing Value-Add of Agriculture Products, Extending Shelf Life of Products
Support for Remote Rural Areas
Facilitated the sale of 4,150 metric tons of produce
Increasing farm productivity and food security through Farmer Field Schools and other activities aimed at building farm capacity.
Expanding the number of agricultural products through value addition and product diversification, such as processed jams and sulfur dried apricots.
Linking farmers with traders and traders with buyers in domestic markets, such as through domestic food expos and B2B meetings.
Building the capacity of agribusinesses to maximize output and quality for domestic markets.
Supporting initiatives such as improved post-harvest handling infrastructure for traders, including packing houses, cold storage, and improved packaging.
Addressing important supply chain and trade impediments that restrict the sale of high value agriculture products.
Providing opportunities for female-owned food processing and import suppliers through export facilitation and activities aimed at business support.
AMP works primarily with private sector agribusinesses, farm producers and other USAID-funded agricultural programs. Specific attention is given to support the participation of women and youth in AMP activities.
Expecting to support $450 million USD in Produce Exports
Expected Results
Facilitate exports of fresh and dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, spices, oilseeds and juice valued at $450 million to international markets in Central and South Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America.
Facilitate domestic sales of agricultural produce valued at $50 million specifically targeting women groups.
Create at least 4,500 full-time jobs.
Train 50 agricultural entrepreneurs through a 2-4 month business incubator program.
Upgrade 80 orchards to high-value crops through a package of saplings, tools and training.
Provide trellising technology to boost the output and quality of 500 grape vineyards.
Provide training to 8,500 farmers, traders and exporters in skills aimed at boosting exports.