Studies and Reports
A collection of informational materials from ROP programs and program partners to support the betterment of rural farmers. The content of the materials in these sections is specifically developed for each country and may not be applicable in other countries.
ROP Projects: Annual Reports
AMP Annual Reports
Agricultural Economics
Best Practices for Almond Production and Marketing in Afghanistan, 2016
Almonds of Afghanistan, produced by Gary Kühn, (low resolution version), Mar. 2010
Almond Marketing Manual for Afghanistan, produced by UC Davis for RoP, Feb 2010
Afghan Almond Nursery Manual, produced by UC Davis for RoP, May 2009
Afghan Almond Nursery Manual, produced by UC Davis for RoP (Dari), May 2009
GMP and HACCP for Tree Nuts and Dried Fruit Processing Plants, Apr. 2006
Almond Export Marketing Trip Report—India, China & Taiwan, Mar. 2006
Grapes and Raisins
Best Practices for Grape Production and Marketing in Afghanistan, 2016
Grape Grape Trellising Impact, Feb. 2013
Shade Dried Raisin Barn, Feb. 2013 (modified Iranian design)
Improving the Mir Bacha Kot Grape Value Chain—Case Study, Jan, 2010
Afghan Grape Post-Harvest Handling Manual, Jan. 2010
HACCP Manual for Afghan Grape Pack Houses, Jan. 2010
Standardized Trellis Designs, Roots of Peace, Jan. 2009
Roots of Peace Bulletin No. 1, World Bank HLP Program Grape Exports Kabul to Karachi, Nov. 2009
Grape Exports from Afghanistan to Pakistan & India (WB HLP GVCP), Nov. 2009
EC PHDP Brief on Gibberellin use on Fresh Grapes, 2008
Viticulture, produced by UC Davis for RoP, 2007
Post-Harvest Technology and Methods for Grapes and Raisins, produced by UC Davis for RoP, 2007
Multiplication of Grape Vines in Nurseries, Roots of Peace, Mar. 2005
A Descriptive Study of the Grapes of Afghanistan, Krochmal & Nawabi, 1961